Production Startup Checklist

Maintenance, production, safety, quality, inspection, audits and much more procedures can be digitised with the new Augmented & Connected Worker solution.

What is a Production Startup Checklist?

The goal is to ensure that, while starting production, the workplace environment is clean, has everything that will be needed at the right place, and does not include any type of extra materials that may endanger production or workers. These safety measures must be executed by every operator before the production starts

root cause analysis example
How is the Shutdown & Turnaround implemented?

 The process usually includes a workflow to follow specific verifications across the workplace and equipment that must be verified by the worker before starting its work.Checklists are typically created in paper sheets. Workers register the execution of each task such as safety equipment verifications, if the right tools can be found near the workplace, or even if the previous worker has validated his tasks.

How the Connected Worker platform can improve the procedure?

Startup Permissions

A pre-initiation process can be created in the platform, under the form of a checklist. The workers will then be able to go through all the steps, accessing guides in real-time. This will guarantee that nothing is forgotten, and that time is not lost.

Digital Work Instructions manufacturing Comissioning digital instructions
Operations analytics manufacturing data operations Automated reports platform connected worker
Automated tasks & reports

With digitised processes, it will be possible to analyse all the tasks that are required per process. It becomes much easier to automate actions that were once part of the process itself, such as some equipment or process verifications.


Of going from Paper to Digital Procedures

Besides improving and facilitating execution safety and quality, process digitalisation concedes managers with more visibility and control over processes. Not only, the overall execution is more efficient, due to a valuable support tool conceded to field workers. Additionally, decision-makers can reduce and automate verification tasks that do not always require human effort to be executed.

Cleaning industry Changeover Good manufacturing practice (GMP) Audit Single-Minute Exchange of Dies

How can Glartek help?

Our platform enables customised access authentification. These can be included at the beginning of any workflow, or before the execution of a specific task that may need more experienced know-how. The platform allows to customise inputs from process digitalisation, as well as evaluate outputs from process execution. Therefore, companies, costs, and at the same time, increase security and performance.

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