Empowering Manufacturing Excellence 

Resources Library

Everything you need to know about the latest trends of the Industry 4.0, use cases, and the state-of-the-art of technologies, the Augmented & Connected Worker, and more.

Glartek Connected Worker Platform

Everything you need to know about

The Connected Worker powered by AR


Myths about hands-free devices

There are several myths about hands-free devices that need to be deconstructed to understand the full potential of such technologies.


Company Presentation

Explore how Glartek’s mission can be a valuable addition to your team. Our innovative solution enhances safety and efficiency throughout your shop floor, providing manufacturing leaders worldwide with powerful tools to boost their operations.

Augmented & Connected Worker product brief

Product Brief

A detailed product brief on our Augmented & Connected Worker platform supported by augmented reality that that allows operations management, increase skills, review data in real-time and elevates workers capacities across all industries.

technological evolution in the industry infographic

Technological Evolution in the Industry

While the advancements in technology for general consumption are well-known, the watershed moments of technological progress in the industry are often overlooked. Discover some of the most important moments of the technological evolution in the industry.

Immersive Technologies

Immersive Technologies in the Industry

Twenty years ago, immersive/extended technologies seemed like a distant reality. However, these innovative forms of human-machine interaction are already revolutionizing industrial processes. In this article, we explore the main forms of extended realities, their use cases, benefits, and more.


Training in Industry 4.0

Training in Industry 4.0 has been shifting the way companies spend their budget and recruit new workers. New technologies allow to create a new and more efficient team, while reducing training time. Find how.

Connected Worker Platform Manufacturing
Case Studies

Automotive leader increased productivity output by 3%

With the goal of maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage, the company continuously improves its operations. The case study shows how even leaders can benefit from Industry 4.0 technologies to optimize results in different factories across the world.

Utilities implementation Connected Worker EDP implementação Plataforma digital
Case Studies

EDP achieves an augmented and connected team for standalone tasks

While providing energy services to 13 million customers, the company needed to reduce and centralize its maintenance teams, and their level of specialization. This case study reveals a successful story that resulted in costs, errors, and specialist visits reduction.

Visual Remote Assistance Case Study Eckert & Ziegler Case Study Digital Transformation Eckert & Ziegler
Case Studies

Top isotope technology provider increases customer satisfaction by 30%

Eckert & Ziegler is one of the world’s largest providers of isotope technology for medical, scientific, and industrial use.
The company, which counts with multiple subsidiaries, focuses on helping industrial leaders deal with radioactive substances and healthcare. Their goal is to lead the production, exchange, disposal, and storage, of dangerous materials. 

Visual Remote Assistance implementation in Maintenance Manvia implementation Connected Worker
Case Studies

Maintenance leader achieves high efficiency with Visual Remote Assistance

Part of the Mota-Engil group, Manvia is a certified, dynamic and innovative company. To attain service excellence, the company adopted a Visual Remote Assistance tool. GlarAssist allowed to reduced unplanned travel time and the number of repeated errors to happen in a short amount of time.

successful Digital Transformation

A successful Digital Transformation in 4 steps

Many businesses insist to maintain their paper-based processes and outdated practices, with the argument that changes are costly and demand training. However, it is not a choice anymore, but a mandatory step for companies.

Extended realities

Different types of Extended Realities

These three technologies, which are part of a broader concept called Extended Reality are still often mistaken. Read infographic to understand the differences between them all and their benefits for Industrial companies!


Digitalization as a new means to thrive in the Industry

During the last few years, Emerging technologies have been slowly gaining their way into the Industrial world. However, with the Covid-19 pandemic, their popularity has significantly increased and a new digital era is finally starting to appear.

Industry 4.0 trends

Top Industry 4.0 Trends in 2021

During the last few years, Emerging technologies have been slowly gaining their way into the Industrial world. However, with the Covid-19 pandemic, their popularity has significantly increased and a new digital era is finally starting to appear.


Why connect knowledge through visual remote assistance?

Remote work is quickly becoming the new reality. In this sense, companies increasingly seek to adapt to this new condition. At the same time, remote assistance has been gaining a lot of relevance because, besides helping this transformation, it has brought numerous benefits to every company.


How technology impacts the “new normality” in post-Covid-19 age?

The world is experiencing an unexpected pandemic, defined by isolation and social distance. Threatened by a global economic crisis, companies are quickly reopening their activities. In this article, you can find how Industry 4.0 can help to face this new reality brought by Covid-19.


Everything you need to know about the Augmented & connected Worker




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