Empowering Manufacturing Excellence 

Automotive leader increased productivity by 3% with Digital Processes

Automotive manufacturing digitalization Connected worker for automotive
automotive assembly line

Company Background

As a top 5 automotive European leader, the company aims to keep ahead of the competition by increasing efficiency and productivity and entering new markets. With 40 worldwide plants, 13 logistics sites, and 4,000,000 cars sold annually, the leader has an increasing need to optimize results, improve production systems to avoid downtime and guarantee overall factory safety and increased productivity.

The Challenge

Having faced several challenges, the company relied on new technological solutions to improve its operations in Europe. When the company came to Glartek, the challenge was presented as such: how can we increase the efficiency of our Autonomous Maintenance Processes (AMP)?

The key issue was decomposed into four different, but complementary, issues:

Reduced Mobility

Complex AMP information access and lengthy verification periods

No control

No control nor visibility over process execution


High training time and high error probability

Paper processes

Excessive bureaucracy and paper use

EDP Augmented and Connected team tools

The solution

After assessing the challenges, and selecting Glartek’s comprehensive product, the solution was progressively implemented. Field workers are now connected, guaranteeing real-time information access. And, without any help during their first round, the process completion time was reduced. 

  • The number of verification checkpoints was reduced
  • All collected data was digitized
  • Workers were provided with operational support
  • Augmented frontline workers with enhanced production capacities

Glartek's product reduced our maintenance tasks length by 80%, which increased our plant's overall efficiency. Additionally, workers without any experience with the equipment still managed to execute processes, which made us gain more flexibility and agility.

The Augmented & Connected Worker Benefits

The implementation of digital processes, new mobility tools, and Augmented Reality (AR) has had a significant impact on this maintenance leader’s operations. Overall, they improved customer satisfaction, ensured a more secure work environment for its frontline teams, and increased productivity.

50 %

Training time reduced

70 %

Diagnostic & response time reduction

80 %

AMP execution time reduction

Learn all about this success story

Fill out the form and download the Case Study for free to learn more about:

  • The Augmented & Connected Worker Technology.
  • Digital processes to improve the safety and efficiency of operations

  • Improved workers’ skills and reduced training

  • A more efficient team with more shop floor mobility

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