Shutdown & Turnaround
Maintenance, production, safety, quality, inspection, audits and much more procedures can be digitised with the new Augmented & Connected Worker solution.
What is a shutdown & turnaround?
A Shutdown & Turnaround process is a planning process in which an industrial facility goes through a scheduled shutdown in order to perform maintenance tasks that couldn’t be performed otherwise.

How is the Shutdown & Turnaround implemented?
Shutdowns & Turnarounds are planned as a project to allow good coordination of required materials and labour.
These typically go through:
1. Plan: Planning and organizing phase
2. Execute: execution phase
3. Observations summary: a wrap-up phase.
How the Connected Worker platform can improve the procedure?
Digital Work Instructions
With Industry 4.0 technologies processes can be digitized. An Augmented & Connected front-line team can access data in real-time and be guided through execution.

AR Mobility & Guidance
The technicians can use the mobility application to execute their tasks. With Augmented Reality (AR), workers can have their device, visualize step-by-step flows and execute tasks without error. Plus, they can be assisted at any time by remote experts. The managers can monitor everything in real time.
Of going from Paper to Digital Procedures
With the Augmented & Connected Worker, knowledge retention is optimised and accelerated. Shutdown & Turnaround becomes more efficient and uniform, since this process is more practical, realistic and contextual. This reduces both error and the probability of putting workers or equipment in dangerous situations.

How can Glartek help?
With Glartek digital processes are a new reality. The new Augmented & Connected worker performs better, with the support of digital processes, enabling a never seen before mobility. The Glartek platform can centralize all the tasks to easily allow scheduling and easy calendar optimisation of all the related LOTO and maintenance processes.
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