4M Analysis

4M procedures can be digitized with the Augmented & Connected Worker increasing accuracy, standardisation, and guidance to guarantee a correct process execution.

What is the 4M Analysis?

The 4M method is widely used in manufacturing for troubleshooting and risk management. It categorizes issues impacting operations into Materials, Methods, Machines, or Manpower. Any 4M-related problem can result in errors or downtime, emphasizing the need for clear improvement definitions, identification of potential issues, and prompt resolution.

shutdown turnaround process
How is the 4M Analysis implemented?
The process is divided into 4 categories and must be executed accordingly.  Man: Competencies, organization, resources, and communication Machine: Setup/installation, supplier, and equipment’s design Methods: Issues can be related to the process procedures or schedules Materials: Design, or material quality Others: External factors such as demand or budget

How the Connected Worker platform can improve the procedure?

Digital Work Instructions

Digitizing the 4M Analysis process, provides extra guidance to workers and improves communication and cross-function collaboration making it possible to make real-time improvements and decisions.

2D Mobility enablement

Create an advanced digital checklist directly on the shop floor to identify issues with any of the “Ms” and record them for future analysis. The checklist can be activated whenever needed and the content adjusted as required.


Of going from Paper to Digital Procedures

Digitalising your 4M Analysis with our platform will enable faster and more precise information gathering resulting in greater analysis accuracy. At the same time, provides extra guidance to workers and improves communication and cross-function collaboration enabling real-time improvements and decisions.

Cleaning industry Changeover Good manufacturing practice (GMP) Audit Single-Minute Exchange of Dies

How can Glartek help?

With the new  Augmented & Connected Worker digital processes are a new reality. It enables you to digitalise your process through digital checklists and work instructions with a never seen mobility. The solution also automatically creates reports and metrics with relevant information displayed in graphs. This information makes it easier to identify any recurring issues and apply corrective measures.


Download your detailed 4M Audit procedure template and import it into the Augmented & Connected Worker platform. You can also read our blogpost and learn more about how to migrate 4M Audits from paper to digital.

4M Procedure Template

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